Monday, November 15, 2010

Should I be more scared of the antibiotic side effects or the zombies in the copier?

So apparently the antibiotic drug, Levaquin, I have been taking for a total of four weeks now (5 days- 1000mg & a week off the drugs & 10 days - 500mg)has some pretty serious side effects including tendinitis. Which is lovely because for the past 5 days my legs, particularly my knees, have been really sore, making it almost impossible to stand up from sitting without pain and if I am on the floor then I have to crawl to a couch to get up or hopefully someone is nearby to help me up. Walking was even painful today. Yeah and working with very hyper 4 year olds this physical malady is not a very ideal situation. I cried tonight because it hurts so bad. It is mainly my joints and the muscles and not so much my tendons and I haven't had any swelling. Lots of sources said online that tendinitis from this medicine needed to be taken care of with emergency medical assistance. After reading this online, we called my doctor tonight because I was kinda freaking out, but he said I just need to take it easy for several weeks, avoid weight training, and the pain should subside over time. I have been off the drug for a day now so the symptoms are just manifesting themselves more, because of the amount of them in my system, but over time these should reduce in my system and because I am still a "young adult" (yippee) my muscles and tendons should recover much faster than someone in their later adult years (these individuals may never recover from the tendon pain). I am hoping he is right, he is a pretty smart guy. :) But I am still kinda scared. This pain hurts so much, and I know alot of people out their with rheumatoid arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome so I can't imagine what they go through on a daily basis.

Anyway if you happen to read this please pray for me. I never knew a simple sinus infection and the drugs you are given to treat such a condition could be so serious! Please pray I am able to move again without pain and the other abdominal side effects lessen in the days to come as well. Thank you!!!

And since I was in such pain, nothing really got me too excited today, but I did have to laugh at this post on failblog. Seriously if I'm having a bad day nothing cheers you up like Cake Wrecks or Failblog :


epic win photos - Hacked IRL: The Apocalypse Start With Printers
see more Hacked IRL - Truth in Sarcasm

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Not a poster model for Going-on Grownup

Currently I am working on a logo for my blog and after viewing this video I can assure you this fellow will never be a poster model for maturity or a Best Buy employee:

Although he might have a career at the following occupations:

Sledgehammer Operator

Raquetball Player

Actor for Office Anger Management Courses

Big Brother Contestant


or your future Congressman

although he has a better chance than this guy:

Feel free to e-mail me any other contestants for who are or aren't eligible to qualify for the poster model of Going-On Grownup.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How adorable is this!?!

I bought this little gem off of Etsy a couple months ago to protect my HTC EVO from the scratches. It was custom made to fit my particular cell phone model and I got to pick the fabric, therefore you know it will be perfect for your style and will always hold your phone securely, unlike the generic ones you can buy at department stores. It still looks gorgeous and was made with care and quality. Plus I loved the little easily detachable wristlet and the pocket for your credit card and ID. I don't know the person who designs these cell phone cases, but I thought I would give her a little plug and if you like the looks of her stuff you can visit her site on Etsy by clicking on the link below.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Your never know when it will come in handy....

Ok so even this reference is a little old for me, but have you ever seen the show "Let's Make a Deal"?
On this show the host will ask contestants for an object and the people can look through their pockets and purses to come up with the object the host wants. Sometimes it is a simple as a tube of lipstick to obsure as a road map or a stapler! But the even stranger thing is sometimes the guests have these crazy items!!! 

Well......follow my mental I felt like one of those contestants. I found myself in what could only be described as one of life's most uncomfortable situations! You see, I have been sick with a sinus infection lately and carrying a purse that was 3 times larger than what I normally carry just so I could cart around all my cold supplies. Now I normally would not be carrying around this item, but due to the cold and the giant bag, I had the exact necessity I needed to avoid embarrassment without anyone else being any the wiser. What is this life saving device, you ask? 
What fantastic implement have I been hauling around in my Mary Poppins satchel? 

Wait for it.........

Wait for it........

 pathetic am I?!

But Kleenex can get really expensive when you are going through 60 Kleenex in an hour!!

And my uncomfortable situation, if you haven't guessed yet, was a very understocked restroom and no one else in the bathroom to pass a poor individual a few precious sheets from another stall.

So imagine yourself in my situation.... there you accomplished your priority business and as you reach for the only necessity you desire....... your hand hits the barren cardboard tube.

The panic and desolation, one feels at that moment.......((shudder))!!!

But in my panic, I realized that my congestion laden illness had borne me one tiny gem of a parting gift in the form of a 1/4 roll of toliet paper that was residing comfortably in the recesses of my bag!

I always tend to be a little overprepared, but this time it paid off!!

So to those of you overpackers and giant purse paraders, take care to heed my tale of salvation, and add a few tissues or a roll of TP to your repertoire of packing contents. It takes up so little space, yet it will literally save your caboose!

And to those of you who like to underpack.....well I just hope the next time I use a public restroom I don't have to witness your bare backside shuffling to the next stall.

Monday, November 8, 2010

So if you care to find me, look to the Western sky.......

as someone told me lately everyone deserves a chance to fly!! 
And to see a show more than once......and we've got tickets!!!!!!!!
Yep , peeps as you may have guessed Brian and I are continuing our new found obsession with "Wicked"!

We saw the musical on our honeymoon in NYC back in July and in two short weeks we will be going to see it again while it is on the nationwide tour. We can't wait especially since this time we are taking our families along to see if we can get them just as obsessed. When we were in NYC we got our own copy of the Grimmerie which we had signed by the current Glinda and Elphaba actresses. We are still debating on if we want to bother taking it since we probably won't get lucky enough to have this next set sign it too.

It's been pretty amazing having a spouse who is equally, perhaps even more obsessed with a musical I love. We even dressed up as Fiyero (Scarecrow) and Elphaba. The costumes aren't near as fantastic as some of the cos-play outfits I came across in my research, but I have been battling a month of sinus infections and ear infections so I had to deal with about one evening to get the costumes together before the party.

If I do this costume again I'm going to make a high quality version like the multi-colored version Elphaba  wears in act 2. It's going to take alot of different fabric so it will take me several months to work on it.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

And then there was a blog....

This is a blog for everyone out there who has past their quarter-life crisis somewhat unscathed and has found themselves on the otherside and saying to themselves "So......Now I'm a Grown-up? hmmmm.....well where do I go from here?" So if you are a 25-35 year old or at least feel like one....then read on.
This is my way to ramble as a newly-married individual who isn't quite sure what life has in store for me, I've been in my chosen career for several years, and life seems to be settling in..I'm anxious for all that may come, but still fearful of what is happening in this world....but I still have a strange pre-occupation with childhood obsessions; ridiculous nonsense on the web that makes me laugh, cry or fly into a raving lunatic with all the abandon of a 4 year old; and new things I discover in my attempts to be more like an adult.
So if you aren't sure who you are either.....come along with me and maybe we can help each other figure out how to be the age of Going-on Grownup.